Such a fun future of English throughout the curriculum is an Erasmus+ KA1 project for ATO-scholenkring schools taking part in the Such Fun scheme.
During the upcoming Daybreak 9 teachers from 4 different schools will go to ETI-teacher training institute in Malta to follow courses such as All aboard the primary classroom or the Kindergarten Caroussel, about the didactics of teaching English and CLIL in their classes.
The teachers are from KC De Hoven, Noorderlicht, Caleidoscoop and De Hobbit. They will keep us updated about their adventures and what they will learn in Malta.

Here is the wakelet made by Nena Heesakkers from KC De Hobbit.
And here is the Wakelet made by Lobke van Esch en Vera de Jong from KC De Hoven.
They give a fantastic overview of an unforgettable, inspirational week in Malta.