On Wednesday Miss Simone (l) and Miss Poppy (r) will come to KC De Terp to teach English. On Thursday afternoon it will be Miss Morgan (m) and Miss Poppy together.
Miss Simone is a golden oldie when it comes to teaching English. She is one of the pillars under the Such Fun programme! Miss Morgan comes from Schotland and is training to become a primary school teacher at University of Glasgow and now at Fontys Lerarenopleiding Tilburg – FLOT in Tilburg.
Miss Poppy studies Dutch and outside the school you can always talk Dutch to her, but inside the school she will help you to improve your English! She studies at the The University of Sheffield and now at Radboud University.
We are most confident the pupils and teachers at Kindcentrum De Terp will have a great semester with Simone, Morgan and Poppy. Have fun!
Photo by Geeke van Dijck Fotografie