Chen Wu (Taiwan)
vakleerkracht Engels

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Hello everyone,


My name is Mr. Chen, and I am from Taiwan, specifically from a city that houses the largest airport in the country. Currently, I am proficient in four languages: Mandarin (my mother tongue), Taiwanese (a widely spoken dialect in Taiwan), Japanese (a language I have been learning for four years), and English (a language I thoroughly enjoy speaking). Thanks to the Such Fun! program, I am excited that I will be teaching English in the Netherlands for the first half of 2024.


This upcoming experience presents a fantastic opportunity for me to gain insights into a completely different education system during my six-month internship. I am eager to absorb the strengths of the Dutch education system and, upon my return, incorporate these experiences into the Taiwanese education system. My goal is to provide my future pupils with a refreshing and enriched learning experience.


Chinese ver.



我是來自台灣的吳丞翔,具體來說,我來自這個國家最大的機場所在的城市。目前,我精通四種語言:中文、台語、日語和英語。接下來的半年,我將透過「Such Fun!」計劃至荷蘭的國小擔任英文老師。




Post: EFL teacher <br> vakleerkracht



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